(803) 996-5100

Why Choose WO

smiles made home.


An Exceptional Experience Begins With You.

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At your upcoming (or inaugural) visit to Whitehead Orthodontics, you’ll be greeted by an atmosphere unlike any other. Take a moment to observe, and you’ll witness something truly extraordinary. Neighbors engage in lively conversations over steaming cups of coffee, friends indulge in delicious WO cones, teammates reminisce about the latest game, families share warm embraces, and community leaders strategize for the next big event. What’s the secret behind this vibrant scene? It’s simple – it’s just who we are.


Dr. Whitehead and our exceptional team of professionals are deeply passionate about what we do. We’re committed to delivering top-tier orthodontic care in a professional, compassionate, and enjoyable environment. More than that, we prioritize our patients above all else, ensuring that each individual receives personalized attention and care. For many, embarking on their orthodontic journey with us marks the beginning of transformative life changes.


Time and again, our patients express how visiting Whitehead Orthodontics feels like coming home to their second family. We share in this sentiment wholeheartedly! We strive to know our patients on a personal level, celebrating their victories and milestones alongside them. Our goal is to make every visit the highlight of their day – because it’s often the highlight of ours too!


Orthodontic treatment extends far beyond mere teeth straightening. It’s about empowering you to achieve the healthy, radiant smile you deserve, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and techniques. Yet, your experience with us transcends clinical excellence.


From your initial phone call to the exhilarating moment of your smile reveal, we aim to leave you saying, “WO! That was amazing!” Our commitment to excellence ensures that your journey with us is nothing short of exceptional.


At Whitehead Orthodontics, our smiles are Smiles Made Exceptional. Experience the difference for yourself – schedule your visit today!

We are not your typical orthodontic office, and we know you’ll
love our individualized approach to care. We want to not only meet your expectations, but exceed them! Get started by requesting your free exam today!

Our Patients loves us

We are thankful for the opportunity to serve our community with excellent care. Check out what our patients are saying about us!

Proudly providing a wide range of aligners to fit the unique needs of your individual smile.